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We are SESCA.

W I L L K O M M E N !

In 2001, the Shoreview-Einhausen Sister City Association (SESCA) was incorporated as a

non-profit organization and we started work on an official sister city agreement. The official sister city partnership agreement was formalized in 2003 after many years of hard work by SESCA Vice President Cheryl Wason. SESCA continues to help foster personal relationships between our sister city and residents of the greater Shoreview area as well as provide residents with cultural awareness opportunities.

Our group offers memberships that start at just $15 per year.

Bill Kiehnbaum


As President of SESCA, Bill is our fearless leader and he continues to make our organization known. Bill is retired from the financial services industry and is active in the Arden Hills/Shoreview Rotary Club, having once served as the club's President.

 He has traveled many times to Einhausen and maintains strong ties with their leadership. He has been a member of the SESCA Board for 14 years.

Welcome Reception with Mayor - City of E
Cheryl Wason

Founder & Vice President

Cheryl is a retired German school teacher and currently a part-time tour guide. She is a member of the Shoreview Northern Lights Variety Band. Cheryl was instrumental in establishing the sister city relationship between Einhausen and Shoreview. She has been on the Board of Directors for 14 years. Cheryl has been traveling to Einhausen regularly since 1976. 

Roger Hintze


Roger supports our organization as our trusted treasurer. Roger is retired from the Horticulture service industry. He volunteers with the University of Minnesota Master Gardener program. Roger has been on the Board of Directors with SESCA for eight years.

Feel free to contact Roger if you have any questions regarding payments for events or donations to SESCA.

Patty Raeker

Board of Directors

Dean Raeker

Board of Directors

Larry Rolison

Board of Directors

Patty is a great ambassador for our group! She frequently (seriously, we're envious) gets to travel to Einhausen Germany and was recently there to celebrate the town's 1,250th Birthday celebration. 

Patty can also be seen at our many events throughout the year.

Dean has a great enthusiasm for the people of Einhausen and he and his wife, Patty (pictured left) were both an integral part of making the Einhausen Rooster gift a success. Dean also assists with our Facebook page and uses his photography and technology talents to make us look great. 

Larry has been involved with SESCA for many years. In 2023, we welcomed Larry back on the Board of Directors. 

Larry and his wife, Margie, reside in Shoreview and have made many memorable trips to Germany and throughout the country and world.

We're thankful Larry chooses to be a part of SESCA in his retirement!

JoAnn Goiffon

Board of Directors

JoAnn is retired from a career in speech pathology.  She is a long time SESCA member and former member of the SESCA board.  She has visited Einhausen several times.  She has hosted visitors from Einhausen on various occasions including a student.  Perhaps not unlike all recently retired folks she looks forward to traveling more.

Jen Leach

Web & Communications

Jen handles our email communications/newsletters, web design and graphics. She lived in Germany while in high school through an exchange program and has continued to travel there as often as possible, most recently with her two kids in 2022.

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